Tel: 0161 764 3245
Open today from 8am - 5pm

Motorhome Servicing & Repair

Westbury Autos offer a excellent Servicing and Warranty packages to maintain and repair your Motorhome.

With all of the services below we provide full itemised paperwork to enhance the value of your motorhome and  maintain your records. 

It is vital to also update the relevant Manufacturers systems so your warranty is kept valid.

In addition we are also approved to  perform  repairs no matter how large or small. we are approved for Body repairs by the majority of major  Insurance Companies. If you are ever unfortunate to be involved in an accident, we can arrange an estimate for repair, even to meeting the Insurance Company Engineer, and agreeing the repairs. In addition we will manage the approval and ordering of your parts, and do everything to ensure your motorhome is back on the road as soon as possible. We aim to take all the hassle away from you! 

Our yearly reccomended services

  • Habitation Motorhome Service
  • Water Ingress check 
  • Mechanical Motorhome Service

The benefits of this are:

  • This will maintain your safety
  • Help maintain the value of your motorhome
  • Maintain your Warranty

Motorhome Manufacturers

motorhome manufacturers